Sunday, July 09, 2006

Hey bloggie… it’s been some time since I updated… Know why there’s not much update? Cuz I think there’s not much really interesting stuff that happen nowadays…
Other than going out with Debbie and Ruthie, or going out with my darling…
Oh ya, have I told you bout him and me going to a chalet? Just in case, I’ll tell you.
Went to a chalet last Sunday… exactly a week before today… it’s nice… we watched the sunrise together… at least part of the sunrise la… and he sang for me! Eh, I wouldn’t say that he sings particularly well, but it’s still music to my ears of course…
Then after the chalet… basically nothing… as in nothing much happens… Anyway, I’ve got my hoop earrings from SIX! =) Oh… and I also can’t understand why I’m so insecure when it comes to me and him recently… I’ll just keep asking him if he’s cheating on me or having feelings for another girl… and the funny thing is, he’s in army! And why did I even go and think bout him cheating? That’s what he tells me too! Haha… but then again, who knows? Cuz he’s in army does not mean he cant cheat… please, in the kinda social context nowadays, all you ever need is a cell phone.. DUH~ Sometimes I’m also habouring reservations bout me and him being together.. sometimes I just think everything is so not right… as in, I can’t foresee him as someone I can really be married to, you see? and if you’s not gonna get married in the end, why still waste time together? Dilemma dilemma…Hai… I seriously wonder why is there such things called love?
Suddenly recall the first tutorial we have with clemaus. He asked us something like, is there really such things called love? I really wonder… and that time, my answer to him was, there’s no such things as love in the ancient time.. it’s purely just for the sake of sex that people are together. And it’s also purely because of reproduction so people have sex… yeah… so I guess… why do we need love from the opposite sex other than your dad? Perhaps if everyone were to possess my mentality, there will be no more future generations… cuz there won’t be another father loving a mother, cuz all the mother and father need is to get love from their parents. Yup… may be you won’t be able to understand what I’m trying to say, but it’s ok, so long as I know what I’m saying… so every question I have inside me boils down to one simple question.
Who are we and who is god and how come we’re on earth? Perhaps not one simple question… it’s a lot of complicated question… and if god create us, then who create him to create us? And who created the person who created god?
You get what I’m trying to say? And how did Earth or Mars or Venus or Pluto come bout?
That’s why I don’t believe in religion… people with a religion, please don’t answer all these questions of mine, cuz I will doubt your answers and I don’t think anyone can answer all these questions anyway…
Sometimes I can’t wait for death cuz I just wanna find out what’s the after life like…
Really, all those questions bother me a lot… I guess I’ll juz have to live with all these questions and enjoy each day as it passes… till then!
(long post I know… )


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