2nd post of the year!
Here i am again!
Know what? I actually recieved a warning letter from school!
No big deal.
First warning for attendance reaching 90%.
And i freaking need my parents to sign it. But who cares la. I'm just gonna DIM.
(do it myself)
Sounds wrong, but anyway i was kinda freaked out when Asmah called and told me to go collect the letter, cuz i thought i'll be barred from taking the papers.
If that really happens then i'll be so livid.
Waste time and $$$ totally.
Anyway, i read my previous post and there was quite a number of typo error.
I swear it's not me. It's cause of the stupid silicon keyboard protector that makes everything so misleading.
I did key in a certain character and it feels like i typed on it but truth is it is not.
So much for my SGD25.90.
Oh went to source for eyeshadow today and found one that has all three colours i'm looking for in one palette.
So this is the one!

And check out one of my lappie's exciting feature!
iphoto booth.
All the nonsense me and my junior did during co practice...

This is a portrait of us in colour pencil effect.
Then we don't have go to those artist on the streets to pay them money to draw our face already.

And this, is a stupid picture of ourselves using e effect of "haha" mirrors.

I would love to believe we're at nigeria falls.
( but we're not)

An x-ray of us! How interesting.
We look abit ghostly though.

I forgot the effect for this pic. So, yup.

Another colour pencil drawing.

And this is me and my secret twin sister no one knows about other than my parents and me, until this post.
Her name's Maybel.

It's us again both holding garfield's tail!
Kiddin', that's my bedroom's phone.
My Macbook's quite something eh?
Tomorrow is NYP's open house and we're like volunteered for being tour guides.
GET IT????
It's kinda like a turn off.
Major one.
Cause supposedly we're only having lessons from 12 to 1pm.
How cool is that?
But no longer, with this tour guide thing.
I haven't even been to the different different schools before, for god's sake.
Quite stupid.
Anyways, i must look pretty pretty tomorrow.
Cuz i'm going out with yiwen! To town.
And maybe cuz just give people a reason to choose NYP.
Went to darling's house just now...
U know, after he went army, he looks so much fitter.
I could die looking at his physique.
Pity bout the height though, but i'm not that tall either.
Still, my point is, he came out of the bathroom just now sans top.
So it's just blue jeans...
I could just believe he modelled for FHM.
(for her magazine)
Not that there's such a mag. I wish though.
Told him right in the face he looks hot like that.
It sure takes easy effort to make someone's day.
Oh, Ruth said i've grown a little taller.
I certainly hope that's the case.
I've been sleeping very late recently.
How late? Like 1-2am.
So I'm gonna sleep now.
Pardon me for being too abrupt again.
But at least i bothered to update.
Till then!
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