Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Now i think I'm a pretty consistent blogger.
Blogging every now and then.
My lappie is a big big part of my life now. Really a major role.
Talk 'bout facebook and the hundreds of application that's pretty much endless and that u juz have to keep adding.
Then talk 'bout Gilmore girls that beckons to me everyday so i'm stuck in front of my lappie like 2 hours a day just for that.
Tell me more 'bout MSN.
Right Macbook, I'm pretty stuck onto u...
Then there's Neopets that i still love playing once in a while.
Brings me to a topic, my can't live withouts.

Here are some. (in fact, alot.)
1. Phone
2. ipod
3. laptop
4. DS lite
5. Wallet (with lotsa money inside of course)
6. Discount cards, membership cards etc.
7. Eyeliner and mascara
8. Sweater/jacket/cardi
9. Water bottle
10. Shorts (getting warmer by the days)
11. Stash of bracelets n necklaces (think Bambi necklace and charm bracelets)
12. Epilator
13. Skinnies
14. Thongs
15. Slippers and heels and pumps.

Ok i'm getting very tired.
It's basically just everything isn't it?
 Oh my ring! Couple ring with darling and my watches...
Yup that's 'bout it.

Something more serious.
Treasure everyone who's around you more.
Cause more and more people are dying from sleeping.
Yeah, wake up dead. Floating in the air and seeing ur body beneath you.
Ok ok, I'm serious. And the age groups are like, younger and younger?
Which means us. You, me, anyone who's reading this blog.
And yes. Even if the person who die is my sworn enemy, i will still feel sad. Very sad. And so can you imagine those that are not my enemies and those who're my bestfriend and family? I'll be broken. Devastated. Period.
So ya, treasure people around you.

It's gonna pour anytime now.
I'm so enjoying it man!
At home and outside will be pouring and i can feel the pre- rain breeze.
So cooling...
Right i tink I'm gonna continue for my presentation on contraceptive methods.


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