Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I still wanna say the same thing. I am doing everything but studying for my up and cming exams!!!

I should put my lap top away somewhere i can't reach. Then again, i will take the ladder and reach it... Ok so all hope's lost. I will be so distracted.

Went out for awhile today to pass Ruth her book. Then on the way back on the train, this little girl, probably age one and above, was screaming away in the train. What do i do? I cranked up the volume of my ipod of course. I wonder if i was like that when i was a kid.

And you know, teenagers nowadays are s different. By teenagers i meant the secondary school kids. The girls are not spotting messy hairdos. es messy hairdos to school. U know those type that's long enough to tie, but the top of their head they cut the hair super short so it puffs up? Whatever happened to the cute and high ponytails? Yeah. Not only that. Their bags too. They're like, carrying leather tote bags. Shoulder bags. Whatever happened to the Deuters and the crumplers? Or the OPs ad Roxys?

Teenagers nowadays...
Time's changed...
I find myself tinking more and more 'bout what happened in December....
This is bad...
I shouldn't be thinking 'bout it...

Anyway back to today.
Of course when i leave the house i will spend money. And what did i buy?
This box of cute plasters.
And a couple of rubberbands. (I always lose/misplace my tonnes of rubberbands/pins)
A fancy bra strap to go with my playsuit.

I've to plan my $$$ wisely this month. Need to buy v day prezzie for darling and not forgetting his b'day prezzie too.

Lately i'm thinking of perming my hair again.
And getting another piercing. On the tragus.
Boyfriend might freak out though. Mum will sigh.

Ok i feel so screwed. I need to go do something that actually is meaningful.
And guess what? That is to sleep.
Have been neglecting my body lately. All the new year goodies.

I'm very happy today. Finally i synchronized my ipod all by myself. Next I deleted those songs that has repeated titles. I really hate having two things similar that takes up space. I like my lappie clean and neat and free from useless stuff. Same goes with my nano or DS or just about everything.
Except my room. It's still in a mess.
Will pack soon.


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