100th Post
This is like my hundredth post! I'm surprised i even hit this number man.

Oh god! Nature's call. Will be right back.
Back! =) Feel so comfortable now.
Anyway i'm so glad that once again, the wretched attachment is over already!!!! There won't be another stupid few weeks until after half a year later! Which is most probably, GERONTOLOGY.
I'm sooooo slacking at home la.
Was thinking 'bout a lot of things yesterday, during my free time. (Which is the whole day)
Actually my dad is not too bad a dad, as compared to some of my friends'.
I don't know and don't care what he did outside that all of us can't see, and i don't wanna know if he did anything. But still, he's not bad la.
Offered to teach me driving (when i just passed my BTT and haven't even start my practical sessions yet!) and stuffs la. He's really nice la. From the age of 8 yrs and up i already know quite a lot on driving and cars already. Like where to add the water, the oil... (Not the diesel or petrol la. The oil for the engine or something like that.) Well, point is, i should just appreciate him. And of course the people around us.
That's one thing good 'bout nursing. It teaches you how to treasure the people around you.
Seen too much in this 3 weeks of attachment.
I'll be going East Coast Park for cycling and stuff on Friday. Actually cycling is quite boring. I'd prefer canoeing or kayaking... But well, that's not for me to say. After all we're going out cause it's to celebrate my friend's birthday.
Oh! Boring reminds me of something. I think my blog template is boring man.... I need to get it change soon. Anyway this original template is quite cool cause it allows you to personalize your page, like the pictures, add lists and stuff like that. But the background is too plain. Creating my own blog skin is definitely something i need to learn during this one month holiday. Anyone who knows how to do it, please teach me!!!!!!
Another thing. I don't know why am i so affected last time when people called me names. Like the things they said 'bout me is such a bad thing!
Later i've gotta go to Beauty World to get some toys for my beloved niece (under the orders of my sister) and then go orchard to get my internet plan thing settled. Feel so lazy to go out... Weather is so nice to sleep and rest at home and read a mag or play DS or read a book.
What to do... Must settle those stuff first la, no matter what. Maybe i can go on a minor shopping spree.
Here's a neoprint of me and my secondary school friends. Like u can see lor. It's so freaking small.

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