Was super good man!
We went to eat Indian food at Little India... (where else can be better?)
After that to Cityhall cuz i wanna show her the bus boy cap i've been eyeing on for 5 days.
And we were so happy and relief that surfer girl is open.
Back at Plza Sing when i saw the black one with SKK, i was like,
"It's damn nice la! Gonna get it after exams on fri!"
Then when me and Diana went to the surfer girl at Citylink, (a.k.a Fav shop) we only saw the grey one and the nautical one.
The nautical one was just too much for me.
I suggested going to NUM first, but the NUM is closed.
Da boys went to Bai Nian and visiting. Hohoho!!!
So we went to SIX, then got ourselves a pretty and special anklet each.

It's sooo special and nice to me lah.
The pendant is a dragon, which at first made the 2 of us go like, "huh?"
But the more i look at it, the nicer it seems.
So in the end i decided that is very "me", and so here it is on my ankles!
(And so is Diana's vintage looking one)

After the putting on anklet ceremony, we head back to surfer girl to buy that bus boy cap i want.
But you know what? It was bloody hell sold out.
So the grey one that i saw was the last one, and it's been SOLD OUT
I was so right 'bout my luck of buying things nowadays.
Low in luck.
Everything i want to get is the last piece man.
And yesterday further proves that my luck is low and even lower when even the last piece is SOLD OUT.
Thanks to some stupid bitch who went to get the last piece.
But all's not lost.
We gave the salesgirl who told us it was sold out that kinda look that goes, "huh?what the fuck."
The other salesgirl then volunteered checking other outlets for us for the stock.
She called the PS one, then follow by some other outlet, then yet another oulet.
Think she called 4 outlets in all.
Finally, she told me, "ok, there's stock at Pacific plaza. U wanna reserve it?"
I was like, "Yup!"
"Clollecting today or?"
And so poor Diana have to go with me all the way to Stusy Pacific plaza and get it.
Know why they have stock there?
Cuz it's pretty "ulu" there.
So we saw the grey and black one, and i couldn't decide which is nicer, cuz both seemed nice.
I even asked the salesgirl for opinion.
She supports the grey one, and Diana supports the gry one, and i support both,
so in the end i got the grey one.
Up till now it's still to my liking.
Here's me happily taking pic with the cap on.

Nice right?
Think I'll be getting suspenders to complete my bus boy look.
Actually I'm supposed to be studying for Bio exam tomorrow.
But my attention span is short you know...
That explains why i am blogging away, doesn't it?
So excited 'bout the upcoming chalet...
Muacckz! Gtg study again!
Will update on friday!