hello bloggie!
this is rudhralekha govindasamy kovalakrishnan updating for me!
i m just lying face flat on the table in the discussion room in sch.
half awake, i'm verbalising all these while shes typing all these.
alot of things happened recently.
actually dont need to say and you guys will know too.
too much about the mk guy.
i wonder what the hell am i doing?
just asking for trouble.
must not elaborate more.
I Love Tau Huey at Geylang!!!!!!
i'm getting restless!
and deborah says hi.
Rudhralekha says
"cos i'm lea-ving on a jet plane!
dont know when i'll be back again.
oh babe, i hate to go!"
Hey i m so excited bout guitar later!
Can somebody tell me WHAT'S LOVE?
the qn that the ans to it is so Sought after.
*guys! BE GONE!*
ytd deborah rudhralekha lyzzie sheryl and i were being CAM WHORES!!!
we took over 100 pictures on rudhralekha's laptop
and do i have to say MORE?
Pictures speak a thousand words.
here you go!!!!!