Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Just a quick post before i go t bed.
First and foremost,
In another 48 hrs or so, i'd be free from this playing with shit and urine business.
I have been thinking sooooo much, about my career options.
But, i won't share!
17 days to Germany!!!!!!!!
Time flies!
I've been such a sinner in this one month. Been shopping toooooooo much. Way too much.
In preparation for my looking good even when all covered up in some other country, and in preparation for my adult hood in 4 months.
Time REALLY flies.
When u're enjoying yourself, that is. I would say it's been a pretty good year, for 2008. Old things thrown (my ex!), new things come. Well, it's good riddance many a times, i'd say, for those things thrown. In chinese there's a saying that goes,
旧的不去,新的不来. (with the old gone, the new will come.)
So true.
And it's also a pretty good head start for the year 2009.
Chinese new year this year have been disappointing, well mostly because of the AngBaos.
I expected more, ok. So pathetic.
It's only enjoyable for the new year goodies part. I love pineapple tarts!
To think about it, i'm kinda busy this few days, or rather, this 2 months. Been watching 90210 and i finished it in a week. Been busy doing shopping with just a click on the mouse. Been busy talking to my faraway person. And mostly i am too tired after working to upload pictures to my blog. I'll upload them soon, and i will start a travel blog for all my trips, starting from now. I've even bought some really colourful papers to be bound together for a scrapbook for my Europe trip thoughts and pictures and what nots.
Things i have to do by Feb 6:
1. Call up KLM and bombard them with my flight questions
2. Get my SNB license ready and apply for a job
3. Do my hair and nails
4. Get appointment for Brazilian (ouch!!! again)
5. Do my eyelashes.
6. Get all my loots from all the spree organizers
7. Get all my winter wear washed (by my mum, of course.)
8. Organize my wardrobe again and start writing a packing list.
9. Activate my 3G service and autoroaming service.
10. Ask for more $$$ for my Europe trip.
11. Mineral make up for my parched skin.
I think there's more to-dos, but i just can't remember what.
OH YA OH YA!!!!!
12. Call ERMS, the owe money person. That faggot.
My muse is sick =(
And i dreamt my ex died, in the hospital where i'm working. I somehow felt happy, secretly...
Anyway, off to sleep! It's morning shift tomorrow! (horrors of horrors)
Friday, January 16, 2009
Countdown to days to flying.
+ - 27 days!
Went to meet friends from Germany yesterday, who are here for vacation. A German couple. Anyway, that's not the point. The fucking point is, we chatted till late, so we had take a taxi home (for me) so i dropped them off at their hostel in Bugis. After they alight, the cabbie asked, "wah! where u go and know al these ang mohs huh!"
Fuck off la.
Does it matter where??? So i told him, "oh, u just have to party more lor, and go overseas and see more, then u will know them."
Then he started telling me about his family. I was like, shut the fuck up. First, he was telling me about his eldest son, who is studying accountancy in NUS, then was telling me how much an accountant can fetch. Then on to his second son, who is studying business when teacher says he's got the brains for science. Then his youngest son, who's waiting for A level results.
Just think. There's only 2 words that came to my mind.
And he grumbled about how it's tough to pay for their school fees blah blah blah.
And how his son is in army.
So i was like, "since they're in army, the 2 years they are serving the nation, they should be getting some allowance for their own expenditure right."
HIM: " Where got enough! Officer/ sergeant also not enough ah!"
Hello, officer/ sergeant, a month earning 700+ to 1000, u tell me it's not enough? When they spent 5/7 days in camp, their food being provided? All the army boys have to do is to buy some Mister Potato, Yan Yan, Coke, Roller Coaster rings, Cheezels, Jack and Jill for their eating. When they book out in the weekends, they do nothing but rot at home, food served to them by their mom, occasionally go play LAN games and a round of billiards/ pool, watch a movie or two, AND HERE THE STUPID CABBIE IS TELLING ME $700 IS NOT ENOUGH.
What kinda bullshit is this?
Or maybe this is not his whole point of telling me $$$ is never enough.
I think he just wanna let me know that his son is an officer, the other a sergeant blah blah blah.
Ok i think it's the lack of sleep that causes the whole irritation.
Gonna sleep now. Abrupt, i know. I will dream about Cologne, Munich, Paris and Vienna now. And shopping at H&M!!!
Thursday, January 08, 2009
Was talking to him yesterday.
That idiot!
We were talking about the trip...
And he was like, "Do u want me to come and pick u up from the airport?"
I was like, "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
That fucker. He knows i'm fearing the traveling alone thing and him 'PS-ing' me when it comes to him coming to fetch me and yet he can make such a stupid joke out of my fears.
I was just like, "FUCK YOU."
Him: " Sorry hon. It's meant to be a joke. Bad joke."
Initially, i wanted to just bring SGD 1,500 over, and looking at the exchange rate now, it converts to approximately..... (fingers tapping on my chin) €739.
(sorry, just have to make use of the special characters my keyboard has.)
Which i doubt will be enough for ME. ME.
So to irritate him, i went, "Oh, maybe i should just bring SGD 2,000 over. Who knows, u might not be at the airport. I shall then use the money to find a nice place to stay and get a GERMAN gentleman to take me out."
Him: "arrrgggghhh! Stop saying this! I will be there. It is the only thing i am thinking about."
Oh wells, till then. I will let you readers know if i survived the gruesome 12HRS 40MINS *PLANE ride.
* Denotes me really hating something.
Can probably blog when waiting for the 3HRS 50MINS transit time to pass.
FUCKERS. Waste my time.
The next time!
Monday, January 05, 2009
Sunday, January 04, 2009
I'm sooo sorry i have lost all the link. Those who's been here, please please please tag with your URL! Thanks soooo much!!!!
I still freaking can't believe i am going! But oh wells... I've even borrowed 2 books from the library for my trip.
1. CitySpots publication: Paris
2. Eyewitness travel: GERMANY
I'd have bought them, but too bad the popular in LOT ONE sucks!
It's got all the SEA countries like HK, Macau, Thailand, Bangkok, Taiwan, China etc...
There's like, New York and Berlin, but then my main will be Germany.
Gotta get him to teach me a few German phrases.
At least how much is something! For the shopaholic in me.
There's something i know!
ich liebe dich
I just wish i will have a sudden increase in money! So i can kill my time while waiting for transit.
Off to ZZZZZzzzzzzzzzz.......
Saturday, January 03, 2009
Countdown starts today.
42 days till departure.
Yesterday, i was looking through my previous posts, from the first month this blog started. May 2006.
A lot has changed since then... Never can i expect myself to say something like "i miss my darling" again... Not with that kinda man anyway. (silly ex.)
So much has happened with men, till the extent that i've become soooo skeptical about making one my boyfriend.
Honestly, with Thomas... Every thing's still pretty much KIV.
Tomorrow, i'll be booking a ticket to fly over.
And from then, we decide about "us".
I'm still skeptical though. And it's mighty scary for me to fly over alone.
I just hope someone will be there for me. Waiting at the airport.
Truth is, i'm scared. About what exactly, i'm not sure.
Everything feels like a dream, how fast time flies.
From the day i know him, till now, and what we have been these few months. Well easy for him, he's just sitting on his couch, sleeping on his bed, driving his fast car (damn) and waiting for me at HIS STATE'S airport.
I'm Packing my luggage, throwing in the winter wear, wondering about the weather over there, if i have enough warm clothing, if i brought enough money, if he's really a good man (he is, but in times of disbelief, u know, all the doubts surfaces.), if i need to collect my luggage during transit, if my plane will crash (how many times must i tell people that i actually hate plane rides a lot a lot?), if people actually understands english...
U know, the more i think about it, the crazier it seems, the scarier it seems, the more impossible it seems, the more IT FEELS LIKE A DREAM.
I just watched Gossip Girl. It's sooooo damn saddening. I can just understand how Blair feels. I used to think chick flick, romance novels, tv drama series, ARE ALL OVERRATED. Apparently not. These things (the happenings that were shown / written) are all based on real life experiences.
Oh my goodness, my whole post's getting sappy...
Nonetheless... I'm still feeling a twinge of fear, a twinge of uncertainty, a twinge of doubt.
After tomorrow, after the booking of tickets, there will be no backing out anymore.
I can imagine the day i would stand. small and alone, at Changi Airport, taking a deep breath and finally believing i am doing it.
And the day i'll stand at Cologne airport, breathing out, finally believing i have done it.
I'll wait for the latter. I'll look forward to the latter.
He'd better take care of me. He'd better be there when i'm there. He'd better be living up to my expectation of what makes a good man.
I can't believe i am seeing the man that i saw 6 months ago, in just 1.5 month's time.

Cologne Airport. Thank god there's only 2 terminals.

Some shopping mall in cologne

A church.
On top of that, my darling guarantees me a big city outside of Germany.
Tentatively, most probably, Paris.
Till i book my ticks!
Friday, January 02, 2009
Okay... I think my new blogskin really sucks. First, it's not in black or pink....

Second, it's HELLO KITTY!
What on earth!
I mean, i like Kitty alright, but then, to use it for my blog skin..............
And, i'll be going overseas soon! Yay! Like after PRCP and my TP test, which i think i will fail.
Recently did soooooo much shopping! Esp online shopping. The amount of heels i buy..... You won't wanna know.
But i am also being a scrooge. Because i wanna save more $$$ for my europe trip.
In just 1.5 months' time....
My darling's gotten himself a car! Too bad it's in Germany.... =(
But wells. Very very soon i'll be in it.
And i have lesser than four weeks till the end of PRCP!!!!
My new year resolutions?
1. To earn lotsa money for me and my sis's boutique dream. It will be feasible.
2. To get my sweet heart back here after half a year.
3. Save more $$$ for a car!
4. Of course, the designer clothes i've been eyeing on.
5. To be more vain. What the hell, right?
That's all for the 2nd jan!
Going out with the girls later on. Can't wait.