Friday, March 28, 2008
Mae Toh Pei Ru no longer.
Here comes Shreya.
My life is so interesting now!!!
And i'm soooo high again because i'm about to get the bag i ordered 2 weeks ago soon!!!!!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Me and Yiwen after K Box session at jurong east, around 2 plus a.m!!!
Just look at our tired eyes, duh...
All of us at Taka Mac (i know it's pathetic, but we were desperate to quench our thirst and rest our legs after some shopping.) and that's Ruth and Deb happy with teir buy. Blue and purple ipod nano socks...
Evidence evidence! I've been to Mustafa 24hrs shopping centre!!!
This is like during the easy coast park picnic...
My joker friends (chuan cheng and kelvin) giving very and super SIAN look.
Entertaining me only right? I know.
Ok this is kelvin's fingers. I was trying to take the picture of the plane that was flying back to Changi Airport (i suppose) and there his fingers were, trying to block the view.
But anyway the plane is really small. In the picture i mean.
I can still spot it though, can u?
All hair messed up. Ruffled by the wind.
Left to right:
Yan Yan, Pei Jin, Ruiping, Me, Jia Jia, Zinc, Wan Ting.
Me!!!! ~DUH~
I bought this super cute storage from Lego!
I love it man!!!! Kissy kissy!!!!
That's all for now... I kept on procrastinating uploading all these pics. Was sooo lazy la!!!
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Ok so i delayed in uploading the pictures again...
BUT but but.... I've a valid reason! I haven't gotten the complete collection yet. Some (those with my face) is still with my BF. So yup, that's my super reasonable reason.
It's been 3 days since i was burnt by the sun, and i'm starting to peel. Yucks! Think snakes. tortoises, frogs, crocodiles etc...
I am soooo gonna have my favorite food tomorrow!!!! Let's hope the stall in school's open tomorrow.
I love tom yam mee hoon kueh!!!!!!
Anyway there was a disaster today. Food disaster.
I was super hungry after i came back from work today.
Oh anyway work today was a bit of a bore because not much people patronize the shop. Even if they do, they just ended up not buying after trying. I don't have a problem with that la, just that when u're the one selling it gets a bit depressing.
Ok back to the food disaster.
So i was super hungry when i got home. I felt so happy when mother told me there's some lotus shoot soup left for me. So i happily drank the super nice soup.
Here comes the disastrous part. As u see, i'm still super hungry after the soup, and i was all gleeful and smiles when i discover there's some rice left in the pot. Without an side vege of course. So the not so talented in cooking but so hungry me tried creating a dish of my own.
That is, mixing rice with Marmite and Tabasco sauce.
I cannot describe how horrible this combination tastes!!!!
*Think puking sound*
My quote of the day?
Never think like a cook and come up with way tooo creative dishes when u don't know how to cook at all.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
As promised, i will upload the pictures today, but so sorry man, i've to break my promise again!
Anyway, after reading xiaxue's blog yesterday, i really feel like my room needs a make over and spicing up.
Not forgetting tidying it man! My sister said my room's the worst girl room she's ever seen. I told her, "It's a compliment!"
Yup so i wanna earn more $$$ during this hols and go Daiso, Precious Thots, Ikea, Aussino, and the cute shop in IMM to buy the nice deco and what-nots to spice up my room. Give it a twist. It's big enough now.
Just a random thought. What the hell does IMM stands for?
And the amount of fake eyelashes that i have is incomparable to xiaxue's collection man! I finally met someone who's more "hiong" (hardcore) than me.
I think she's a nice girl and a good blogger la. Compared to dawn yang, i think xiaxue's really funny and interesting. She even taught people the oh-so-useful-but-fake skill of photoshop-ing.
And how to do house work. Whereas for dawn yang, her's just a website full of mundane and minute atrocities. No offense to her blog fans man. Personal opinion. There're people who admire her like crazy, trust me. And people (like me) who think she's all plastic and stuff. Check out her tag board man. At least for xiaxue, she admits she's not at all pretty but just uses the skills she mastered. Like photoshop and make-up. Yup, that's all for the bloggers talk.
And so i better tell u i can only upload the photos like late at night tomorrow or Tuesday.
Will be going on a double date with my junior Li Yong and Jiunn Yuan, of course with Darling. To what? Watch step up 2, then go eat, and then attend a concert. Chinese orchestra concert. I know, that kinda HUH face people give.
Okie dokie! Will go bath and go face booking some more and hit the sack. Ciao!
Friday, March 21, 2008
By the sun!
So i went East Coast Park with my friends today. The CO gang. Woke up today at 7.30 a.m just to prepare to bath and pack my stuffs and leave the house at 8.20 a.m ( believe me, this is one of the very few times whereby i get showered and dressed and packed and dolled up within 45 mins. ) and meet my freaking joker friends (who suggested meeting at such an early time) @ 9a.m, Jurong East MRT platform.
Let me catch my breath. Such a long sentence.
Ended up some of them late, correction, one of them extremely late, that causes the whole group to be held back just waiting for him! Yes him. Forget about getting dressed and priming himself as an excuse. A HIM never dress themselves. HIMS don't prim. So i don't know why he is such a slow poke.
Anyway, forgiven.
I feel so guilty because everyone is supposed to bring some food to share, like pot luck, (u see, it's a PICNIC) and i didn't bring any. I was thinking of going there to buy, like some chips or drinks but then ended up never. But i guess i should not feel so guilty. Cause i can't even take most of their food. Not that they're bad cooks like i am, but u see, I'm vegetarian. Yup.
Let's see, what did we do for the whole of today...
First thing first, everyone dug in.
Second, we gave ourselves a soak in the sea.
Third, we cycled.
Fifth, went Suntec mall to have dinner.
Sixth, walk around a bit and took some pictures and went home.
Promise i will upload the pictures soon. Like tomorrow i guess. If i don't feel lazy, that is.
I think I'm getting more and more magnanimous. I'm like, talking to people i dislike in the past.
And people who helped SOMEONE lie to me.
A few possibilities. Either,
I'm more care less about the SOMEONE, or
I'm deep down inside a very nice person (and easily bullied one), or
I'm just sick and tired of bearing grudges when i secretly hate to, or
I'm more open to the concept of letting go.
Yes. either one. Or maybe all of the above.
One last thing before i hit the sack to rest my tired eyes (cause i slept at 2+ a.m and woke at 7.30 a.m) and legs (cause of the cycling).
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Dear readers, these are the pictures of me taken during that fateful day when i developed DRUG ALLERGY and it VERY COINCIDENTALLY CLASHE WITH MY BOYFRIEND'S 21ST BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION.
Okie, this is me and dada of course. With quite swollen eyes that i've told u people about in my previous post.
This is also me and him. I did try to rotate the picture though. But i don't know why after uploading it's still horizontal. I guess blogger has some kinda problems with image upload.
Those who can tilt there laptop, tilt it. Those viewing on desktop, too bad!
So this is me in my fav outfit, with my nerdy specs, in some concealer and foundation, with me fake eyelashes, and a not so happy mood. YUP...
From left to right, Yan Yan, ME!!!, boyfriend, Pei Jin, Hui Ting.
From left to right, Jason (darl's elder bro), Michelle (darl's younger sis. Yes he is the middle child), future mother-in-law (or maybe not), ME!!!!, Boyfriend, future father-in-law (or not).
From left to right, cute grandmother of daring's, future mum-in-law (or not), future husband (or not), ME!!!!
This is just the combination of the in laws...
100th Post
This is like my hundredth post! I'm surprised i even hit this number man.

Oh god! Nature's call. Will be right back.
Back! =) Feel so comfortable now.
Anyway i'm so glad that once again, the wretched attachment is over already!!!! There won't be another stupid few weeks until after half a year later! Which is most probably, GERONTOLOGY.
I'm sooooo slacking at home la.
Was thinking 'bout a lot of things yesterday, during my free time. (Which is the whole day)
Actually my dad is not too bad a dad, as compared to some of my friends'.
I don't know and don't care what he did outside that all of us can't see, and i don't wanna know if he did anything. But still, he's not bad la.
Offered to teach me driving (when i just passed my BTT and haven't even start my practical sessions yet!) and stuffs la. He's really nice la. From the age of 8 yrs and up i already know quite a lot on driving and cars already. Like where to add the water, the oil... (Not the diesel or petrol la. The oil for the engine or something like that.) Well, point is, i should just appreciate him. And of course the people around us.
That's one thing good 'bout nursing. It teaches you how to treasure the people around you.
Seen too much in this 3 weeks of attachment.
I'll be going East Coast Park for cycling and stuff on Friday. Actually cycling is quite boring. I'd prefer canoeing or kayaking... But well, that's not for me to say. After all we're going out cause it's to celebrate my friend's birthday.
Oh! Boring reminds me of something. I think my blog template is boring man.... I need to get it change soon. Anyway this original template is quite cool cause it allows you to personalize your page, like the pictures, add lists and stuff like that. But the background is too plain. Creating my own blog skin is definitely something i need to learn during this one month holiday. Anyone who knows how to do it, please teach me!!!!!!
Another thing. I don't know why am i so affected last time when people called me names. Like the things they said 'bout me is such a bad thing!
Later i've gotta go to Beauty World to get some toys for my beloved niece (under the orders of my sister) and then go orchard to get my internet plan thing settled. Feel so lazy to go out... Weather is so nice to sleep and rest at home and read a mag or play DS or read a book.
What to do... Must settle those stuff first la, no matter what. Maybe i can go on a minor shopping spree.
Here's a neoprint of me and my secondary school friends. Like u can see lor. It's so freaking small.

Monday, March 17, 2008
I'm feeling sooo damn high today cause i finally placed order on this bag that i saw on the online spree that i've been contemplating over for so long!!!!
Haha. Pardon me. Just too happy.
But deep down inside my heart i feel so sad... So ironic and contradicting right. Because something happened to me and dada. No no no, not that we broke up, nothing like that. Just that we're like, taking time to think more 'bout us. But not for me, i'm not thinking much. Let's just say we're having time off. Like a time out thingy. But will be back soon. I don't exactly know how to explain. Anyway darling's the one who opts for this. I can only just wait and see la.
Oh another thing I'm super happy 'bout is, i am gonna get my coach loots soon!!! All thanks to Deb. Wondering how much my loots will amount up to. Ha.
Can't spend too much money this month too. Still have to give darl $96 for his valentines' present. That's like a pretty late present isn't it. Well, u know him, slowing taking his time with shopping and buying stuff.
Then i gotta save some $$$ for my hair too. Still thinking what to do with it.
Well, it's a month that's tight on cash for me. Luckily i'm back to working part time and it's the school holiday.
Okie I'm being pestered to go have dinner now, so till then again!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Updates updates!!!
Okie here i am blogging instead of looking up vaginal infections (as ordered by the lecturer). Well this whole 3 weeks attachment shit is boring me out like, well, shit. And my stupid Garfield tail phone is another thing that's pissing me off. I think the rubber buttons are like, spoiled. Obviously i need to use tonnes of force to dial a stupid number. Imagine that kinda force i need X8 numbers.
Silly silly. Need to get new phone for my room too. I'm like on a tight budget now. So Ive to come up with a scheme i will stick to. A saving plan. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Like i will stick to a plan. What more a SAVING plan. Anyway here's my plan.
Mae's saving plan:
Set aside money everytime i get my allowance
Set aide money for what item? The necessities. Like what?
1. Pantyliners (Since my mum won't buy all these now cause she's into menopausal.)
2. Threading (once a month thingy. It depends too, if you get a good threader.)
3. South Indian vegetarian meal! ( fortnightly fix!)
4. Of course! Pads! Same reason as above.
5. $10 transport fees for those times i need to top up when not having bus concession.
6. Magazine cash! Correction, MagazineS cash. Seventeen and Dolly!
7. I hope that's about it. I don't wanna set aside too much $$$ for this kinda troublesome and kinda silly but can't-live-without things. I'd rather spend more on can-live-without things like extra bags and clothes and..... (list goes on forever, u know.)
So what are my plans for the much awaited for holidays? The so damn long (roll my eyes) holidays? Have fun!!!! My silly darling still owe me a Sentosa trip. I need to go tanning man. Diana, where are you???? Or Zhi Ling, where are you????
And i NEED to shop! Again! Diana, Yiwen, Zhi Ling, Deb, Ruth, Siew Kee Kee, I need u guys!!!!
Noticed that i leave out my boyfriend's name in the shopping plan? Yes yes yes. Cause all guys can't stand crowds and shopping centers. They love the arcade, food centre, the couch/sofa (esp. when it's in front of the tv), the bed+ S_X . That is all. Guys are pretty easy to satisfy huh. Oh most importantly and not to be forgotten, they love computers too. Online gaming. Or the other what-nots they do on their com. And i will so damn get the coach wristlet soon. Ok i know it's random but my friends will know why i am saying this man.
So well attachment was quite ok, except i don't really like children (and their stupid questions) and i don't know what am i doing in the paediatrics ward, and i don't really like being in a female ward. But i guess that's the maximum KK women's and children's hospital can offer, judging from it's name.
Esp. the gynae ward ok... Those who came in for MTPT. My goodness la, 10 out of 32 patients are there for MTPT. In other words, abortion. So what the news or the radio reported is correct. Growing trend of abortion. Teenage abortion. Unwed teenage abortion. I vow to myself never to land myself in such a plight. As much as contraceptions are uncool and uncomfortable and unpleasurable, one (who is unmarried and young) shouldn't subject themselves to the possibility of getting themselves into such a pathetic plight.
Why is it pathetic? First, u are killing an innocent live. (call me traditional, i don't care) Second, it just shows how much your boyfriend loves you, in this case, not a lot. Y will a guy who loves you wants you to go through all these pain and loneliness? I tell you, i can just feel their sadness man.
Going through all these just for the selfish bastards who wanna have fun and ditches the responsibility. My friend told me she's never had sex with her BF, even though they've been together for like, 4 to 5 years. And y is that so? Not that the BF is incapable. He told her he loved her too much to ruin her and spoil her like that, just by having sex. How nice is that right.
Well, i don't wanna have further comments on this BF and abortion topic.
Once the sun is out i am donning on my bikinis and going to have some fun under the sun!!!!
And i am thinking a bit too ahead of time, thinking what i should do with my first pay, which is like next April la. Like the 2009 April. Haa...
Oh and i am soooo surprised that my mother actually encouraged me to go for the Australia trip organized by the school.
Saturday, March 08, 2008
Hello Bloggie! I am back again! Finally the stupid paediatrics attachment is over!!!! I don't even like kids man!
So i am updating now, listening to my newly bought bond CD at the same time.
Oh ya! Speaking 'bout which, i bought this from Mustafa shopping centre! U know the only shopping centre that opens 24hrs non-stop?
Haha, this is like a dream for me la. Anyway this will be a post 'bout the things i can't live without.
Here' some of my can't-live-withouts:
My NDSL!!!!!!!!! Keeps me company during the super boring times out or in.
Cutest Baby!!!! Will miss her to death if i never see her for more than 72hrs!
Oh trust me, these are the most important of the things i can't live without!
Cellphone, ipod (sometimes i'm soooo thankful it saves me from the numerous awkward situations i've encountered) and my MacBook!!!!!
Yeah so that's about it la. How did i celebrate with him his birthday? I acompanied him to SCH (Singapore Connference Hall) for his audition for the concerto. Well let's just hope he gets in. If not he'll be crushed. Anyway while waiting i went Bugis Street to walk around for a bit. And ended up buying four pairs of falsies. Below are the pics. Recently i'm like having a falsies frenzy. And lipbalm and gloss frenzy!!! Like there's a lot of pairs of eyes and lips on me that i can put on so many different falsies and lipbalms at the same time right. Duh... I don't know what's wrong with me la.
Oh! Just now went to IMM with sis and mum and bro-in-law to buy a stroller for girl girl. I think she likes it a lot. We used it on the spot. There's people who walked pass and said she look like a doll in the stroller. Haha! Cute baby ma! Went Daiso too, to buy random stuff and i got myself something like a photo holder, so i can put the mountains of neoprints in it. Bought a kite from there too! I begged jiejie to buy those for me, haha. So cheap anyways. Kite flying is like, so boring la, don't know why people enjoy looking at their kites up high and just doing nothing else but hold n tight to the string. I am one of those people. HAHA!!!!
Should i go to the NTU CO concert? Feeling so damn lazy these few days. Must be the wretched attachment. And I'm low on cash. Not having much money is really depressing. Oh dear!!!
So many things to do during this coming holiday. (starting March 17!)
1. Move back to my old room.
2. Decorate it!!! =)
3. Pack it... =(
4. Pay handphone bill.
5. Sell my cam and get a new one!
6. Organize my wardrobe.
7. Go shopping with Diana.
8. Maybe go Genting?
9. Buy some books for myself.
10. Buy newest issue of Dolly.
11. Organize my neoprints
12. Start practicing on my Guzheng.
13. Dye and perm my hair
14. Give my poor hair some good treatment
15. Go ikea and get some cushions
16. Get the giraffe lamp i like soooo much!
17. New bed sheets!
Oh my god. So many things to do. I feel tired aready. Let me go play some games and enjoy my hard-to-come-by free time alone.
Monday, March 03, 2008
Hey!!!!!!! I'm back again.... Wasn't consistent enough. Anyways.... Saturday was boify's 21st year old birthday celebration. I almost ended up not going. Or rather, not being able to go. Cause of what? stupid drug allergy. This is what happened.
Friday, 29th Feb.
==>I felt so sick the whole day. Woke up with a fucking painful throat upon swallowing. Runny nose. Couldn't breath. Only through mouth. Nevertheless, went for attachment. (so devoted to nursing right, HA-HA) Throat wasn't any better at the end of the day in hospital. It was still dry and painful. After attachment i followed daddy and jie jie who were driving to jurong to give one of the van to my daddy's employee. When i came back it was super late, like twelve thirty. Definitely wrong for someone who is sick and running a bit of fever. Then desperate me went to take western medicine like i always DON'T do. And medicine that WASN'T mine.
Saturday, 1st March, 1.27 am
==> I woke up feeling a bit of itchiness on my eyes. When i felt my eyes then, i was like, FUCK!!! It's starting to swell up. Real bad. Within half an hour it swelled up to the kinda size that i can't even really open my eyes. Was just a thin line across. I look like shit man. And i could feel my heart beating damn fast. Straight away, with the intuition of a nurse, i know i'm suffering from drug allergy. And I feel so so so sad because in 17 hrs time, my boify will be having his 21st b'day celebration. And from my drug allergy experience from young i knew that my eyes won't depufff itself in 48hrs, let alone 17hrs. I felt so sad i could cry. And i did, after waking my poor tired mother up from her sleep. I was like, "tomorrow's my boyfriend's birthday celebration!!!" ( Not in an excited way like how my exclaimation marks made u feel.)
She consoled me and let me shed a few tears in her hug. SOB SOB SOB!!!! She told me, "it's ok, go to sleep, tomorrow your eyes would be better and we'll take u to the doc's" Guess what i was thining then. I was hoping it'd be a bad bad dream and i would wake up juz nice and pretty for my boify's party. Yeah yeah yeah, fat hope. I smsed him at 2am telling him i couldn't attend his party cause of drug allergy.
1st March, 9.14am
==> He called. But i didn't answer. Was feeling too sick and down to answer any phone calls or touch my HP. Continued lazing on bed like a cancer patient who lost all hopes.
1st March, 10+am
==>Finally told him i woke up. He called my house. Mum answered. Saying my eyes were bad and blah. After he hang up with my mum i called him, only to find out he was the one talking to my mum. He volunteered to drive me to see the doc. Did i miss something? Oh yes, he passed his driving recently. So ya, back to my stupid eyes story. Of course i rejected the offer, because how can i ever let him see me in my ugliest state? He might not mind but i mind. A lot. But he was persistent, and hang up on me before i could protest more. Next thing i know, i was searching for my shades. For what, when i'm indoor and at home? As a disguise! Die also can't let him see me in this kinda pathetic state. And i need to bath. Cause i was so sick and tired i didn't bath on friday. Before i can bring my clothes into the bathroom and hide there temporarily, he reached. Stupid sister was laughing at me when i told her i will wear shades. Mother was like, "hai yo, if he really love you he won't mind u looking ugly la."
And so i had nowhere to hide, so i hid behind a pile of folded up clothes on the bed. It was a high pile of clothes. It worked though. He can't find me, and my own sister didn't even realize i was hiding there. So she was like, "i dunno where is she leh, maybe in her room or toilet lor." So this boyfriend of mine walked around my house looking everywhere but not behind the pile of clothes and behind the bed. So when he went out to the living room, I popped out of the pile and told my jiejie, "hey! I'm here la!" And guess what she do. She laughed and laughed silently.
And so did my mum. And i was found. Of course i can't let him see me, so i covered my face with a short i juz grabbed from the pie and ran into the toilet. When i'm done showering, i came out with shades on. And my sister still can tease me saying it looks stylo though it's a rainy day la.
1st March, 11+am
==> On the way to GP, still with shades on. Anyway i saw the doc and he pronounced me enemy with painkillers and antibiotics. The stupid drug that cuased me allergy reaction is a painkiller i took for throat pain. And the drug that caused me the same allergy reaction 11 yrs ago is an antibiotic. Very good. So i can't have the risk of getting an infection, or an accident. Of course my allergy now is no big deal, cause i only took one of the med. Could've died taking one more.
I was wondering if it means i can't give birth next time? Oh my god la. I must take extra care of my health not to get infections or in anyway land myself in the hospital, cause the only thing they do to u in hospital is put u on antibiotics or give u pain killers. So doc gave me some antidote.
1st March, 5+pm
==>Hope's not lost! My eyes got better! From being so swollen that my double eyelid's all stretched out, it later became less swollen and i can see abit of my double eyelid returning. So i, the desperate one put ice on my eyes for one plus hour till my eyelids fully came round.
1st March, 6+pm
==> Darling's grandma called me, using darling's phone, and told me to go. She said it's ok la, a few relatives and friends, don't bother bout the eyes. A few relatives and friends? My goodness no! My co friends are there, His army friends are there, his classmates are there! How can i subject my ugly eyes to so many people? For someone like me who cares about how i look?
But I promised the grandma i will go at 7 plus la. So i've to. I called my bestie Yiwen and let her know i'm going. She came my house and watch me get prepared first before going with me. These are the few things i did and need that makes me feel better and look prettier.
1. Double eyelid sticker
2. Fake eyelashes
3. Some eye cream and foundation and concealer.
4. My nerdy specs.
5. My favourite outfit.
6. Favourite hairpin.
7. Cute bra.
Yup these are pretty much the things that made me feel and look better. Yiwen says i look like a sexy school teacher in my outfit and specs,haha. Still, i feel so inferior and conscious!
1st March, 8+ pm
==> Reached darling's house. Anyway a few of my friends think that this whole me-not-coming thing is meant to be a surprise for darling. Ya so wasn't that bad and i volunteered to be camera woman cuz i don't wanna be in pictures when i look bad. But was forced to take a few la. Be in it. Overall was ok...
2nd March, 12+am to 2+am
==> Still at my bf's party place cause his father was talking to his grandma 'bout stuffs. After tt boyfriend drove me and his family home.
2nd March, 2+am onwards
==>Zonked out, officially, but had a bad dream bout boyfriend and another girl.
This turned out to be a pretty long update though the span of the event's like, one day plus. Anyway I'm off to get some ZZZzzz... Still need to see the kids tomorrow. Oh my god!!!!