This will be an extremely late update of my v'day happenings.
After nine days...
Ok for v'day, (here's the story) Darling asked me if i'm going out. I said maybe i could take some time off studying to go out since i woke up early in the morning to study and that i completed quit a number of chapters. Then his answer surprised me. He was like, "No la don't need. I come over to your house lor." And before he came over, he called. He said he's cooking something now and that he it bring it over for me, and he also told me to cook some rice. I was soooo damn wondering what the hell he cooked. And this s what he cooked. It's quite nice la.
This is super nice lah! It's potato and hotdogs marinated in a lil' bit of ketchup. Esp the potato!!! I just love carbs. (He bought vegetarian hotdogs of course! And i'm sooo proud of him. He went to NTUC to buy it himself! When he usually go NTUC just to buy vitagen and junk foods and what-nots.)
This is the vege curry he cooked for me.
(Obviously i don't believe that HE cooked it. Must be with his mother nearby telling him to add this and that. Oh but he's honest and humble enough to admit that he wasn't really the one who was doing the cooking. He was more of doing the cutting and stirring. Says his mother worried that e will 越帮越忙. Still it was nice of him la.)
Look!!!! This is him with a baby!!!! And the baby is just not any other baby k... It's my beloved niece Claire Chan Yan Chi. So cute right? (By cute i meant baby Claire)
I think so far this is the first pic of Claire Chan i uploaded on my blog. Maybe there was another post with her. Still, she is soooo cute! Anyway don't ask me why do i have to call her Claire Chan instead of just Claire. I love her!!! (ok that's not the focal point. Anyway darling also love her la. Who doesn't and wouldn't? She's the cutest baby in the whole wide world!) Ok i think it's time to stop this cute baby thing now.
Let's move on.
To what?
To her again!!!!!
She is soooooo adorable!!! Eyes are sooo big and nice!
Ok ok ok!!!!
Now question.
Why is da wearing two different shirt on supposedly the same day i am posting 'bout?
Ans: Actually it's not the same day these two pics are taken. The above is on Valentine's. The one when he's wearing white. This is one day before valentine's, or maybe two, i can't remember, when he come my house la. To do what? See girl girl. Cause she's too cute and everyone likes her! haha.... Everything links back to she being a cute baby.
Another qn!
Why is girl girl wearing the same shirt on two different day?
Ans: Not 'cause she's dirty and never change clothes k! It's because she've two of the same tee la. My mother likes this tee lor. Says it's comfy and not so hot for her. She has anther f the same one in blue man! Anyway doesn't matter what she wears. She looks cute in everything.
I just can't stop!
Ok so this is pretty much what happened on v'day.
My post's not finished yet though! (don't worry nothing more 'bout the cutest baby.)
What about presents you may ask. Of course he's nice to buy me present la! But we went to get it on the 15th feb. Oh he's also supposedly supposed to gimme a rose. On the 14th. But said he forgot to bring and it is in his fridge.
Ok so on the 15th after the much screwed up Med Surg exam, i met him at YCK station. To go get prezzie! Went orchard.
Wanted him to get me a coach wristlet. But the design i saw on the net and wanted wasn't there. (BUT IT IS THERE NOW LOR! WHEN I WENT WITH RUTH ON TUESDAY! SO ANGRY!)
So we walked around some more thinking what to get for each other. Then i decided on Birkenstocks. So we went Wheelock. At wheelock he deicided on a pair of Nike slippers but guess what? It's OOS (out of stock) everywhere! OOS is the result of me doing too much online shopping.
But he bought me my pair of birkie. This is it!
Yay!!! One of the things in my black desire list can be striked off.
Anyway 'bout the coach wristlet, i will be back.
And 'but darling's present of course i still have to get him something. Think i will combine it with his b'day prezzie.
Went to town with friends. And got another phone. Pink colour!!!!!
Then took neoprints.
Yesterday went to Lot one to meet Yiwen. And guess what!!!!!
Cotton On is coming to Lot One sooon!!!!!
YES AH!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway too many things for me to get. I wanna get the wristlet then a Guess? bag and more tanks and some new swimwear since summer is soooo coming! Looking so pasty and pale now. Need to go burn myself soon, haha!
I hope this post's not too long for my poor readers. But i actually thin that it's ok 'cause i haven't posted in like, a week? Yup....
And about Edison Chen's lost laptop, i think he deserved it. Oh maybe he is to happy to see all these narcissist pictures of him and his doings with the girlfriends being circulated around the net and everywhere else. I don't think much of him. Keep these pictures in a better place la! Like a emory card or what and store it somewhere private. Silly of him to bring all these pictures out with him in the stupid laptop. Set some security code can... Brainless. Celebrities and people like NYP Tammy please stop losing things la. (whether if it's accidental or purposely losing it) Saves us the wrath of accidentally seeing such stuff that makes people sick to the stomach. (not because we are not open minded, hello. I am open minded and liberal at times. It is because u guys suck in these kinda pornography thing. That is what that makes us wanna puke) I'd rather watch Paris Hilton's video or other random Ang Mohs' video than watching you people being so ugly on the cam.